Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brost baby girl#2!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited to intoduce our second member of the family today! Her name is Meela, shes only 8 weeks old and weighs about 12 lbs. Shes very cuddley and very beautiful, Kyle and I are very excited to have her. Meela is a great pyreneese so her being only 12lbs wont last very long! We have had 2 very successful trips to the bathroom outside today and a few surprises in between but so far she seems smart and very quick to learn! Welcome to our family Meela

1 comment:

  1. How adorable! I'm so excited for you guys. Micah has told me all about your dog, so now I finally found pics. Maybe I'll get to meet her someday, her and Henna could have tons of fun:) Very proud of you for blogging, way to go, get the rest of your family into the blogging world!
