Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ok so I wanted to be better at posting a month ago so maybe I'll try it again! October is a very busy month in our house every weekend we had something going on, and I still get a little exhausted remembering it and thinking about next October! What happened in October you say? Well I'll tell you, the first weekend is always General Conference weekend but this year I had someone ask me if I would be interested in having my own booth at a car show giving massages to people so of course I said yes!! However the night before Conference my husband started talking to me and opened my eyes to the discussion I had before me, I could either miss Our PROPHET speak and go do something I wanted to do, or i could stay home to LISTEN and WATCH our prophet and his apostles tell me the things my HEAVENLY FATHER wanted to me to hear that specific day. So what did I do?? I stayed home and boy am I glad I did! I heard so many beautiful testimonies and words of encouragement and I knew I needed to change my life so that I would never be tempted to not hear my Heavenly Fathers words again. It was such a wonderful weekend! It was also Evan's (he's my little brother) 18th birthday and my mother inlaw's birthday. So it was a great weekend to start the month!

The next weekend the 10th was My 3rd WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!! I was married 3 years ago to a great, great man. He has filled my life with so many different emotions (good and bad, for those of you who are married you know what I mean) and experiences that I never knew were possible. I love him and I am so glad I married him! So for our 3rd anniversary we decided we wanted to go see CATs the musical thats coming to KC on Nov 6th! We also had the youth of our church over for a fireside and one of the girls brought brownies that she made and she told me she wanted to write HAPPY 3RD ANNIVERSARY on it but she didn't have any white frosting, isn't that cute? I thought it was!

Now after a restful week we come upon the next weekend the 15th-17th!........It is officially KC MARATHON weekend! Was i ready? No way! On Thursday Tyre and I picked up our Race packets and headed to bed early for a youth temple trip her ward was having! They were headed up to Nauvoo, Ill where I was married so I couldn't pass it up! I drove the 4.5 hours there and almost wrecked but we made it the end we made it there safely and in time to see my Aunt before she headed back to California. My sister Micah and her girls walked around Historic Nauvoo while the youth did baptisms and when they were through we got to do an endownment session, it was AWESOME!!! At that point I had, had 3 jam packed weekends full of the spirit! I couldn't have been a more blessed person. The session was beautiful but we didn't get out of there until 5 or so which means we didn't get home until 10ish I was so mad because I knew that the following morning I was supposed to be running 26.2 MILES!!! I was very nervous. But when the morning came I was full of energy and very excited! The RUN went amazing I finished in 4:26! Which is faster then I expected, Tyre ran the half marathon in 1:56 and finished 3rd in her division and got a trophy! It was a great weekend, the best part was that after the race the next day I wasnt sore at all!! How crazy is that??

The weekend of the 23rd and 24th was cannery weekend! Kyle, myself and some members of our ward went to the cannery and had a blast I came home with 75lbs of oats 50lbs of beans and 25lbs of wheat!! It wasnt all for me though! I picked up some stuff for others that weren't ablw to make it, good thing too because I don;t know where I would have put it all or what I would have done with it all! The 25th was also Kyle's 28th birthday, my hubby is getting to be an old man! We didn't do much because we both had to work but I did bake him yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting! His FAV!

The weekend of the 30th and 31st was obviously Halloween weekend, so we got to clean the church building and spend the day together, finally a day to ourselves!! We ran errands and spent all the money we could! Kyle has been putting together his own gym in our garage so we mainly got a bunch of stuff for that but it was fun just to be around and with him, He's so great!
Halloween was cool but we only had one trick or treater, so I don't think I will buy candy again for Halloween it just ends up on my hips!

Now it is finally November and I have promised to post some awesome recipes for my sisters so here I go!

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